Easy Cappuccino Granita Recipe

Easy Cappuccino Granita Recipe

Easy Cappuccino Granita Recipe

Serves 4-6


  • about 25 g/1 oz./ 1/3 cup caster/superfine or granulated sugar, to taste
  • 4–6 tbsps. amaretto liqueur (optional)
  • 900 ml/ 1 ½ pints/3 ¾ cups freshly brewed coffee
  • 1 large/extra-large egg white
  • 150 ml/ ¼ pint/ 2/3 cup double/heavy cream
  • grated dark/semisweet dark chocolate, to serve


Set the freezer to rapid freeze if necessary. Add the sugar and the liqueur to taste to the coffee and stir until the sugar has dissolved.

Whisk the egg white until stiff, then carefully stir into the coffee. Take care not to destroy all the air bubbles.

Pour the coffee into a shallow freezerproof container and freeze for 2 hours or until almost frozen.

Stir about every 20 minutes to break up the ice crystals. (If too hard. then leave in the refrigerator for a few minutes to soften.)

Whip the cream until soft peaks are formed. Spoon the granita into cups or small dishes and top with swirls of cream.

Sprinkle with grated chocolate and serve.

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